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The Medical System in Ghana
Practical Epidemiology Using Epidemiology to Support Primary Health Care
Practical Epidemiology is a valuable resource for individuals interested with the
fundamentals of epidemiology and public health. This book has been thoughtfully
designed to cater to the needs of healthcare professionals, providing a practical and
user-friendly approach to health investigation and planning beyond routine tasks.
Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science
Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science were
developed as a study aid to improve student performance
on Board examinations in medical laboratory science
(medical technology) at both the technician and technol-
ogist levels. (Technician candidates may skip the section
on management and education.
Medical Laboratory Technician–Hematology, Serology,
. Blood Banking & Immunohematology, 10-4. Military
Curriculum Materials for Vocational’and Technical